Thursday, March 20, 2008

I keep meaning to

blog, but there is always something more lazy that I can be doing.

Spring Break is pretty awesome. I can't believe it is almost over. I have found that is a lot easier to be lazy than to do something productive with my life. I don't really regret being completely slothful, but at the same time I should really study for my upcoming tests. I can't believe that blogging is a leisure activity at school, but it upgrades to a chore at home. Even as I type this I feel like I am sifting through a heavily sanded beach to find the right thoughts to put here. Huh.

On the bright side, I found a check made out to me from two years ago that I have not cashed. I thought I did, but I guess not, and the check is pretty sweet, so I'm not complaining.

Also, DVR is the devil. My sister saved around 5,000 shows for me and Amanda to watch, catch up on, and get addicted to over break. Let me explain to you that I do not watch TV at school. My TV is sitting next to my desk because the effort that it takes to hook up the TV to the wall and to use the nonexistent power button in order to turn on the TV (in other words, I stick a knitting needle in the electrical appliance and hope for the best) is not worth the reward of watching a sometimes-clear picture with only a one-way channel button. It just isn't. So now that I am here at home I find myself watching shows that I would bash on any other day. I'm slipping, but it is a wonderful fall. I told myself that whenever the opportunity presents itself I would read a book from my somewhat-extensive reading list instead of watching TV. Although I have finished one book, the call of TV has won almost every time.

Darn the convenience of the Television Set, and blessings and curses to the Genius whose brainchild is DVR.

I'm going to go find something to do.
