Friday, May 22, 2009

skipping the sorry-for-not-posting statement

And heading right into summer.

Not sure if any other summer has the potential to age me as exponentially as the one that I have just stepped into.

I am taking summer classes as the final verdict, if anyone remembers my indecision all the way up until the first week of classes. This indecision stemmed from applying for a job that I really wanted, but I ended up not getting it. Thankfully, I squared away everything with summer school in the middle of my spring semester, so it was a Godsend to seamlessly transition to Plan B. Just two classes, Ecology and Computer Science, and I love the fact that they are both on TTh.

With the classes comes the commute. My schedule: wake up at 6:00, go back to sleep till 6:42, shower, make lunch and head out with my dad and Jeremy on his way to school. Once we drop Jeremy off I hop on the MARTA train for 27 minutes of wrestling with my heart against judgment and self-righteous feelings against my fellow MARTA patrons.

My Zune is away for repairs, so with no portable excuse for disengagement I find myself people watching on the train. People watching is fun, but then I begin to think about if people would ever find it interesting to people watch me. What would they see? Would they do a double take because of something I was wearing or of how my hair was styled? Would they steal glances just to get another glimpse of my facial bone structure or the book that I was reading? Because I totally do that....I wonder how it feels.

I arrive at the Midtown station and see that there is no Tech trolley waiting, as usual, so I walk to campus and study or read until my CS class. I realize that 2 hour classes are not awesome. I have no idea how my friends take full loads during the summer, because my attention span is struggling with my light load. I do like my classes a lot, though, and I enjoy the more relaxed aura of campus. The normal overhang of borderline suicide has been washed away with our excessive rain showers (on another note, out of the drought much? We have to be).

Once school is out I get back home by either MARTA or my parents picking me up after running their own errands in town. Speaking of which, I never realized how living 30 minutes outside of Atlanta would affect my life until recently. It seriously feels like a journey whenever we venture out of barely-Metro-ATL Fairburn, I feel like a backwoodsman venturing from the mountains to pick up enough goods to last for a few months every time (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers reference, I'll love you forever if you have seen this movie). To live at Tech is to live in the pulse of the city**.

My nights consist of me either being at home, struggling to do homework because it still feels like summer vacation, or being at some church related event. Double-dipping in two churches is a challenge, let me tell you, especially when you serve in one church more than the other, but you are expected at the other church just as much. This experience is teaching me a lot about spiritual calling...and also teaching me that I can't have my heart equally in both churches.

Which makes my recent (as in last night) decision to leave one church not in body, but in spirit, a little bit easier.

There will be a part II to this post, perhaps after breakfast. Stay tuned for more regarding

--my license
--writing for the Technique
--family group

**Speaking of where I live, this may change very soon...stay tuned.