Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It. Is. Time.

It is time to end this blog.

I am starting a new blog.

I have been more faithful to this blog than any other ever before. Which, considering I posted like 12 times within the past year, sounds pathetic (But let the record show how faithful I was in 2007, 2008, OK?). I wish that I could keep on, because I have felt the most attached to this blog, more than any others. But whenever I sit down to write I feel such a block, like I'm scratching for something that is not there anymore. I don't think it is.

I do not think that the solution to lack of inspiration is to pick up everything and move to somewhere else on the internet, and I believe that cyberspace is littered with abandoned blogs, left for dead due to situations similar to my own. I do think that it is definitely necessary to grow, and I feel like I am going in a completely different direction than this blog. It sounds like I am breaking up, haha...but in a sense I am. This is the first blog that I felt that I hit a stride, and also one where I really felt connected to a community of friends with whom I could be both honest and funny. I still cherish that. Although I am abandoning this place of residence, I will gladly leave a note on the table to let you know my new address. I don't honestly have an angle or a spiel on what my next blog will be about. Perhaps there will be no more epic entries that spark a small internet following, or random observations about Tech life (what's left of it). Perhaps I will have more random obsessions with things like moving stairs, 3x5's, and family moments. Maybe I will never find out what marijuana smells like. I can tell you that this blog, the one to come, will....just....be.

Fresh starts are always nice.

I do hope you, dear friends, can come with me to my new place. Your opinions, critiques, and generally snarky comments have gotten me through the day many a time. I'll post the new link when I can, but in the meanwhile, it has been a wonderful 3 years here. I cannot think of a lovely quote or song lyric to end this post, but maybe I shouldn't, since this is not a good bye. I'd rather just end this post abruptly.