Friday, April 11, 2008

random thoughts on a friday morning when i should be studying or asleep

--Free t-shirts rock my world.

--I am going to try and only wear free t-shirts for the rest of the semester.

--I got 4 free tshirts in one week. SCORE!

--Why do my eyeballs throb when its this late at night?

--Why does Sprite turn green in your stomach after you drink it?

--Why did I have to vomit today to find this out?

--I hate the fact that I get motion sickness.

--I'm in denial about the fact that I get motion sickness.

--I don't get motion sickness.

--I don't like to eat mushy things. They make me gag.

--Will the fact that I hate mushy food become a problem in Uganda?

--I wish I was a natural at Physics.

--I wish I wasn't afraid of heights.

--I'm too dark for henna tattoos.

--I like to be right more than I should.

--I wish business would win over pleasure more often.

--I don't like texting that much, only to a select few. It takes too much work, and my fingers get tired.

--Don't take it personally when I don't text back. I'm just lazy and I feel that it is too much effort to respond.

--I like it--nay, I love it-- when people call me.

--Facebook. Oh Facebook.

--No, seriously. My eyes are throbbing.

--I am pretty darn selfish.

--It was weird seeing you today. Like that. It was hard, but humbling.

--I miss you, my friend. Why did you do that to your family? I am praying for you, my love. My sister.

And now it is time to sign off.

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