Thursday, August 21, 2008

Important Announcement

Dear friends, family, and people who randomly stumble upon this blog:

Let it be known that I, as well as my sister Amanda, am currently cell phone-less, as we will be getting a new one within an indefinite period of time. Until then I am best reached by email ( or random meetings. Sorry if you called me or texted me recently....I didn't get it, those messages are now floating in Communication Purgatory. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused you, but believe me, it sucks for me, too. I do not hate you all, I hope that when I get a new phone we can still be friends, because I am under the sneaking suspicion that I am losing friends because of lack of communication, even as I type....I love you guys, feel free to email or chat anytime.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's 4:30 in the morning

And I cannot seem to go back to sleep.
*thinks of something interesting to write about*
I got nothing.
My hair is really big.
I cannot believe that school starts in 5 days. I am kind of scared, actually, because in my head I am still mentally debriefing from missions, so my motivation to do anything productive is zero. My to-do list has been only half-tackled every day, and it kind of freaks me out that soon I will be a student again. Over the summer i got a lot of insight as to what my role as a student is, but I do not think this is the right time to share it. I do know that it is Wednesday, which is a few days before Friday, which means that Sunday is not too far away, which means that Monday is ALMOST HERE.

One day at a day at a time.
I still can't sleep.
Here is something that has been occupying my time...brilliant.

*It’s well past midnight
And I’m awake with questions that won’t
Wait for daylight
Separating fact from my imaginary fiction
On this shelf of my conviction
I need to find a place
Where You and I come face to face
Thomas needed
Proof that You had really risen
When he placed his fingers
Where the nails once broke Your skin
Did his faith finally begin?
I’ve lied if I’ve denied
The common ground I’ve shared with him

And I, I really want to know You
I want to make each day
A different way that I can show You how
I really want to love You
Be patient with my doubt
I’m just tryin’ to figure out Your will
And I really want to know You still.*
~Nichole Nordeman

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

We're Back!!

Back from missions, back from Uganda, and it was amazing. There is so much to say about that, but not enough space or willpower. Please ask if you desire to know.

I missed this corner of the Internet that I call my own. It was nice journalling every day, but I realize that I get a kick out of telling people what happened to me. Maybe because I am slightly selfish/self-centered, but I swear I'm much better.
God is awesome, and honestly it makes me laugh how seriously He loves me. It makes me feel special to know that God does have an ultimate plan for my life, and being in Uganda I was able to see His sovereignty at new levels. I found myself having a lot of facepalm moments, where God was saying "that's why I had you go through that". Even reading back on my journal I see situations and problems that were so huge at the time, but its clear in retrospect how faithful God was anyway. Seriously.

But now, I am home. The truth is, I do miss missions a lot. I miss the Ugandans that I met and got to know better (shout-out to Martin), and I miss the people of our team (shout-out to G-ma). I'm in disbelief that missions is officially over (ok, yeah, the mission is never over, but you know what I mean). I miss having a set ministry schedule, and the rigor/ease of meditating day and night on God. Now that I am home I know that there is a ministry for me here. I know that God is with me with every step that I take here. But honestly, sifting through and finding God through my many clothes (and such clean clothes they are), electronics, technology, social engagements, to-do lists, and random happenstances--this has proven to be a much mightier undertaking than expected. But honestly, God is faithful, He really is. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe because I'm enjoying watching Tobias, my 3-year old cousin, dance to "American Boy", my new favorite song. Maybe because as I sit here I am surrounded by my family talking over each other, having 10 conversations at once. Maybe because I know that tomorrow will be extremely slow-paced and chill, the first chill day that i have had in many months. Maybe because I know that it is just another day to live, and I am looking forward to living it. Whatever it is, I am excited.

I will try to post more often.