Monday, June 04, 2007

Creature of the Night

Look at me. Actually, you can't. If you could, you wouldn't be reading this blog. I am up for the umpteenth night in a row at an ungodly hour. And once again, I don't feel sleepy. You see, my downfall is taking naps at 7, 8:00 in the evening and then feeling "refreshed" for many hours more. Dude. Not cool.

I have declared to my aunt the temporary status of a nun. I think this is necessary...and I am not mad about it. I actually had a good talk with her on Saturday. She told me about how she met her husband (at a Campus Crusade for Christ summer conference) and how God kept putting them in the right place at the right time. He lived in California, and she lived in Georgia, but they still courted across the country via letters (actual snail mail) after that summer. They only saw each other once again before he proposed the following summer, and then they were married the summer after that. 15 years and 5 children later, Auntie Sharon has now become my source of inspiration. All of this time that I am sitting here worrying about how things should occur, I realize that God just wants me to fall more and more in love with Him. Who would have thought? Man, I am not even going to pretend that this is going to be easy (after all, players gotta play), but I am surrendering this to God, now.

You can call me Mother Superior Herculaneum. I think it has a nice ring to it.

So apparently this is what I would look like if I fell into a vat of artificially colored blueberries. Tell the Blue Man group to watch out...TamTam is a new force to be reckoned with.

I still don't know what I am doing for my birthday.

"It never rains when you want it to." ~Norah Jones


Laksduionhas said...

No it doesn't.
So, you look like the new black Alex Mack covered in blueberry chemicals. When does your tv show start?

lily said...

:) that's a cool story about your aunt! and that's such an awesome thing to realize.. that God just wants us to fall more and more in love with him. sometimes i wonder if i understand that at all.