Monday, June 11, 2007

I don't want to go

to Vacation Bible School.

For purely selfish reasons, of course. I did not volunteer for VBS for the first time this year since like 2000, because my mom was always either the head of it or one of the heads. I was the one who headed the puppet ministry. I was the one who stuck my hand up puppet's butts, year after year, making children laugh at the expense of my goofy voice. Well this year is a whole nother ballgame. I just found out yesterday that the person that I worked with last year is going to do the puppet show this year. Without me. I am not mad at that person, of course. If anything, I am mad at myself. Why didn't I wake up earlier for the volunteer orientation? Oh well, these things are meant to happen like this, I suppose. I guess when I walk in there today I won't be mad. Actually, writing this has helped me not to be mad. Bring on the puppets!

Sometimes it is painful to be so flirtatious. But I am learning. My whole family had a really good talk last night at my aunt's house about religion and things. Sometimes I forget how many God-filled people I am surrounded by. They are so awesome.

I always think that I am over someone, but then something happens that makes me remember about the person and how awesome they are, or how much they hurt me. I wish sometimes that I didn't write so much about what I am thinking, because going back to read the stuff makes the hurt resurface as though it never left. Which I realize means that I never let it go in the first place.... Reggie preached about the restoration that we sometimes need to give people who are hurting. He was talking about the fact that so many people are discouraged from going to church because a lot of times those in the church condemn them for their past mistakes. When I left the church building I kept thinking about the different people that I have written off as lost causes for various sins. What was funny was that it was really hard for me to think about restoring the people that have hurt me. I am learning that I take things extremely personally. This is not a very healthy thing to do.


My birthday was great.

So I was watching Animal Planet last night (AP has become one of my favorite channels to watch), and there was a special on about octopuses and one of the commentators was a wildlife journalist. A lightbulb went off in my head and I have now made it my future aspiration to be a wildlife journalist. Let's hear it!!!

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you will be a mile away. And you'll have their shoes." ~I forgot

1 comment:

Laksduionhas said...

haha, nice quote.