Friday, April 04, 2008

Green is the New Black

SO this whole green phase has me really wigging out. Everywhere I look it's reduce carbon emissions this or turn your light off that or make sure you don't throw away that recycle you insensitive freak or don't eat that, baby turtles in the Island of Yap are going to grow an extra toe. It's madness, I tell you. Now, let me clarify, I'm not upset at the cause at all. I actually consider myself to be a conservationist, and I think I will always be. After all, God calls us to be stewards of this beautiful Earth that He has blessed us with. I believe there are certain measures that should be taken in order to maintain this planet we call home.

But I loved the Earth before the hype.

So yes, I'm a little bitter. It bothers me that people are beginning to conserve as a massive effort. I am ecstatic that it is so popular, but I'm kind of worried about when the craze dies down. I mean seriously, the Earth is something that we have to always conserve. You can't just let it go out of's pretty much a lifestyle. When people realize that, for the rest of their lives, they are going to have to bring their own bag to the grocery store, or save all of their used office paper/newspaper, or never buy bottled water again, or pump their tire gauges regularly, or keep the thermostat high in the summer and low in the winter.....will they?

They won't.
And that's the REAL Inconvenient Truth.

I do believe that it is a valiant effort by corporations to push conservation, but using a vague motivation such as "global warming" is not going to keep people inspired forever. Once someone says that the Globe don't warm no more, people are going to run out and buy the biggest Hummer they can find. OK that was really pessimistic. Don't worry human race, I still love you. I'm just saying, guys, isn't it a lot easier to hop on the band wagon of mass hysteria than to actually sit down and realize how serious a problem this is? Wouldn't it be better if you do your own research to find out what you can do to take care of our Earth instead of letting every massive media machine feed shallow solutions to you? Behavior modification does not = lifestyle change. Let's get serious about this stuff. If you want to really rock the boat with conservation, just do it. Don't brag about how many trees you saved with one stack of newspaper (btw, a 3-foot stack saves one tree). Instead, just do it. People may not notice it, but hey, that's the price of doing something right.

*Removes soap box from underneath herself and says*

I'll try to keep the rant-y posts to a minimum....I just had to get that off of my chest. I'm good now.

*Don't it always seem to go,
that you don't know what you've got till
it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot.*
~Joni Mitchell



Amaranth said...

It *is* really sad that conservation is more of a fashion accessory than something seriously important to the masses. I sometimes wish that people could just respect the earth on their own without screaming aloud "My shirt's organic! Eat that! Literally!".
But hey...who am I to comment? I drive an SUV that gets 15 miles to the's 12 years old, pollutes the earth and destroys my wallet, and it's my baby ;)

Sarah said...

You know, to be honest..I agree with you, which is hilarious considering I still want to work with the EPA or the DNR protecting the environment. It should be interesting. The other day, I was watching the weather channel and they had a whole section on people who were awesome because they help to save the world. It was really really annoying.

J. Ro said...

leave it to joni mitchell to say it right. =P