Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Listening To: "Salvation is Here"

by: Hillsong United
Reading: Hamlet by William Shakespeare

I really like that feature on xanga. Too bad I have to do it manually here on blogger. Oh well.

So I just didn't pass my driver's test for the second time ("didn't pass" sounds better than "fail"). It really helped that both of my parents were there this time. I also had the sweetest lady as a driving tester, but still. I am not mad really at anyone or anything in particular. If anything, I am just kind of pissed at everything and nothing at the same time. I didn't cry this time around. There is no point in acting like I'm not dissappointed, though, is there? I really want to pass. That's all I want to do.

I am putting this on the blog because I think it is better to externaiize (is that a word?) these frustrations so that I can get them out of my system. I went to Walmart right after the test and I really wanted to indulge in chocotherapy. I knew that this was the wrong way to go.....especially since I hadn't had breakfast yet.

I just don't like to fail. As much as I want the music to cue up right now, and have Uncle Jesse explain to me that everything is going to be all right, Michelle....as much as I want to hug DJ and Stephanie and bing bang boom another life lesson is learned in a mere 30 minute time slot and I walk away from this with a positive attitude....

I don't think that's going to happen. I am signing this in a funk. I think I shall stay in said funk for about an hour, if that's all right with you all. I'll talk to you when everything is .....better.

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