Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Woes of Missionary Dating....and Other Things

My mother asked me the other day if I would ever consider dating someone that wasn't saved. I said no, naturally (or not so much), but as soon as I said so I thought about missionary dating. I know it is not what we are supposed to be doing as Christians, because we can't be unequally yoked and we would be influenced by the world more than they would be by our Gospel etc etc....but wouldn't that be something if we could? I mean it is possible and there are cases where the spouse has brought their sig. o to the gospel, but I guess I am just thinking about the power Christians would have if we could do something like that. Plus, all cute guys should be Christian. That is just my personal opinion.

I have had a pretty good week. I like the fact that I have fallen out of my funk or whatever that bad attitude that I described earlier. I really think that it was because I hadn't been reading my Bible. It always seems like this happens, though. I just like that God's love never changes. I like that he always knows what I am thinking, even when I am thinking about thinking about God, if that makes sense.

Man....God is really good.

You know, cursing has been something that I have wrestled with ever since I reentered the public school system in the 9th grade. I have never really cursed out loud...maybe three or four times ever before I came to Tech. For some reason last semester I found myself thinking more and more colorful thoughts as time went on (things got pretty rough) and occasionally I would utter said thoughts in the presence of friends. I really didn't think that this was a big deal. However recently I was caught in the midst of an altercation between two parties that are very dear to me. Words were said that could have formed a whole new color spectrum, and I was hurting, even though I wasn't even in the fight. I personally think that these words really serve no purpose. I have decided I really don't want them in my vocabulary anymore. Ever. They do not make me sound smarter and I think they can only sound stupid/awkward when I say them. That's all. My mouth (and soon my mind) will be as clean as an Orbitz commercial.

I started with the National Wildlife Federation today. It was pretty cool and not strenuous at all. Everyone there is so nice. I look forward to working with them in the future.

I really don't know what I am doing for my birthday next Friday. Amanda's birthday, too.

Yay, I am probably going to the library on Saturday with my friend. She is an English major at Georgia State, so she had no objection to indulging me. I really hope that we go (Leronia, if you are reading this, don't break my heart).

I need tea.

1 comment:

Laksduionhas said...

Orbitz commercials are pretty dirty...the person's mouth is usually clean, though ;-)